Tuesday, July 12, 2011

introduction. [good couponing websites!]

challo. my name is mia and i LOVE saving money for my family <3 With couponing you can get better deals and even STEALS! [free items with coupons!] You aren't being cheap, you are trying to save money, money that you can spend on other things. There are so many ways to get coupons. One of my favorites is websites.
you can get online coupons and in store coupons.
WARNING. read fine print and coupon VERY CAREFULLY before using. If you bring, for example, a Sephora Coupon to the store, when in fine print or on the coupon it says Online Only, it won't be accepted. Also, check when the coupon expires.
here are my fave websites!
[also, search around. On a company's website, they may have coupons!]